What Is Smooth Coffee? (and how to make it at home)




smooth coffee, pour over, pour-over coffee, specialty coffee

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What is smooth coffee? What makes it different from other coffees? How can you make it yourself at home?

These are all questions that we’ll be answering in today’s blog post.

What is smooth coffee? Smooth coffee is when your coffee has been brewed to remove any harsh flavours or bitterness, resulting in a coffee low in palate acidity.

So, if you’re a coffee lover who’s interested in learning more about smooth coffee brews, then read on.

What Is Smooth Coffee?

“A smooth cup of coffee is one in which the inherent sweetness of the coffee comes out on top. You can taste all the specific flavour compounds that are influenced (among other things) by where the coffee was grown, and, most importantly, it is a cup of coffee without overpowering bitterness or acidity”.


What Makes Smooth Coffee Different From Other Coffees?

The biggest difference between smooth coffee and other coffees is the lack of bitterness and acidity.

This is because smooth coffee is brewed differently than other coffees.

The water is also heated to a lower temperature so that it does not extract as many bitter compounds from the coffee beans.

coffee cupping, coffee, specialty coffee

How Can You Make Smooth Coffee?

Now that we’ve answered the question “what is smooth coffee?”, let’s move on to how you can make it at home.

When it comes to brewing smooth coffee, there are a few different methods you can use.

This results in a coffee that is less acidic and has a smoother taste.

If you want to try brewing smooth coffee at home, we recommend using the pour-over method.

Pour-over coffee makers allow you to control the water temperature and coffee grind, both of which are important for making smooth coffee.

How Long Should You Brew When Making Smooth Coffee?

The brewing time for smooth coffee will depend on the method you are using.

If you are using the pour-over method, we recommend brewing for 3-4 minutes.

If you are using the cold brew method, we recommend brewing for 12 hours or more.

The brewing time for smooth coffee will depend on the method you are using.

If you want to make a smooth cup of coffee, we recommend using the pour-over method and brewing for 3-4 minutes.

The Ultimate Recipe To Making Smooth Coffee At Home?

For those of you who have either never tried making a smooth cup of coffee, or maybe looking to improve your previous attempts, then here is a quick and easy recipe for making smooth coffee at home.

Step 1:

Start by heating your water to between 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can bring your water to a boil and then let it sit for 30 seconds.

Step 2:

Next, grind your coffee beans to a medium-fine grind. We recommend using about 28 grams of coffee beans for every 16 ounces of water.

Step 3:

Once your water is heated and your beans are ground, it’s time to start brewing! Place your coffee filter in the pour-over coffee maker and wet it with hot water. This will help to release any paper taste from the filter.

Step 4:

Pour half of your water over the coffee beans and let them bloom for 30 seconds. Bloom is when the coffee beans start to expand and release gas.

Step 5:

After blooming, continue to pour the rest of your water in a slow and steady stream. We recommend pouring in a spiral motion so that all of the coffee grounds are evenly saturated.

Step 6:

Once all of the water has been added, let your coffee brew for 3-4 minutes.

Step 7:

After brewing, remove the coffee filter and enjoy.

What Type Of Coffee Beans Should You Use?

There are a few different types of coffee beans that you can use to make smooth coffee.

The most popular type of bean is the Arabica coffee bean.

Robusta beans are known for their intense flavour and high caffeine content.

However, personally, if you want to make the best smooth coffee, we recommend using Arabica beans.

These beans will give you a high standard of sweet, complex and balanced flavours that this kind of brew is known for.

What Is The Best Grind Size For Smooth Coffee?

The best grind size for making smooth coffee is a medium-fine grind.

This grind size will allow the water to evenly extract the flavour from the beans while also preventing the coffee from being too bitter.

If you use a coarse grind, the water will not be able to extract all of the flavour from the beans.

If you use a fine grind, the coffee will be more bitter.

What Is The Best Water Temperature For Smooth Coffee?

The best water temperature for making smooth coffee is between 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit.

This water temperature will extract the flavour from the beans while also preventing the coffee from being too bitter.

filter coffee vs americano

If you use water that is too hot, the coffee will be more bitter.

If you use water that is too cold, the flavour of the coffee will not be extracted as well.

The best water temperature for making smooth coffee is between 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why Make Smooth Coffee?

While some people enjoy the taste of bitter coffee, others find it to be too harsh.

If you’re someone who prefers a less acidic and/or harsher cup of coffee, then making smooth coffee at home is a great option.

Smooth coffee is less acidic and has a richer flavour than other types of coffee.

It’s also important to note that smooth coffee has less caffeine than other coffees since the brewing process removes some of the caffeine from the beans.

So, if you’re looking for a cup of coffee with less caffeine, making smooth coffee at home is a great option too.

What Are the Benefits of Drinking Smooth Coffee?

In addition to being less bitter and acidic, smooth coffee has a number of other benefits.

Smooth coffee is easier on your stomach because it does not contain as many irritating compounds.

It is also said to be more hydrating than other types of coffee since the brewing process removes some of the caffeine from the beans.

Smooth coffee is often easier on your stomach since it doesn’t have the same level of acidity as other coffees.

It’s also a great choice if you’re looking for a coffee that won’t keep you up at night since it has less caffeine.

Finally, smooth coffee is a great option if you’re looking for a coffee that has complex flavours.

What Is Smooth Coffee F.A.Q’s

frequently asked questions

Q. Are there any downsides to drinking smooth coffee?

A. The only downside to drinking smooth coffee is that it can be more expensive than other types of coffee.

Q. How can I make smooth coffee if I don’t have a pour-over coffee maker?

A. If you don’t have a pour-over coffee maker, you can use the cold brew method to make smooth coffee at home.

To do this, simply steep your coffee grounds in cold water for 12 hours or more.

This will result in a coffee that is less acidic and has a smoother taste.

Q. Can I make smooth coffee without using a coffee filter?

A. While you can make smooth coffee without using a filter, we highly recommend doing so.

Coffee filters help to remove any impurities from the water and coffee beans, resulting in a smoother cup of coffee.

Q. How long does smooth coffee last?

A. Smooth coffee will last for about 2-3 days in the fridge. However, we recommend drinking it within 48 hours for the best taste.


In conclusion, smooth coffee is less bitter and acidic than other types of coffee and is a great option if you’re looking for a coffee that has complex flavours.

It can be easier on your stomach and has a number of other benefits.

If you want to try brewing smooth coffee at home, we recommend using the pour-over method.

But if you don’t have a pour-over coffee maker, you can also use the cold brew method to make smooth coffee.

So, there you have it! Everything you need to know about smooth coffee, including what it is, the benefits of drinking it, how to make it, and more.

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