What is Sous Vide Coffee?




sous vide coffee, specialty coffee, coffee

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One method that’s gaining popularity among home baristas is sous vide coffee.

If you’re a coffee aficionado, you’re probably always on the lookout for ways to improve your daily brew.

In this article, we are going to do a deep dive into this unique brewing method so you can save time and money.

What is Sous Vide Coffee?

Sous vide is a French term that means “under vacuum.”

It’s a cooking technique in which food is placed in a vacuum-sealed bag and cooked in a water bath at a precise temperature.

“Seems like a lot of fuss for a cup of coffee, but it’s fantastic”.


How Does Sous Vide Coffee Differ from Traditional Brewing Methods?

There are several key differences between sous vide coffee and traditional brewing methods:

1) Temperature control

With traditional brewing methods, it’s difficult to get the water temperature just right, which can result in under or over-extracted coffee.

With sous vide, the water bath is set to the precise temperature you want, ensuring that the coffee is brewed to perfection.

2) Consistency

Because this method is brewed at a consistent temperature, you can expect consistent results every time.

Traditional brewing methods can be more prone to variations in flavour due to fluctuations in water temperature and other factors.

3) Extraction

The precise temperature and longer brewing time of the sous vide method result in a richer, more complex cup of coffee.

what is sous vide coffee, coffee brew, specialty coffee

How to Make Sous Vide Coffee?

Making this unique coffee brew at home is relatively easy, as long as you have the right equipment.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Immersion circulator: This is the device that controls the temperature of the water bath.
  • Vacuum sealer: You’ll need a vacuum sealer to create the vacuum-sealed bags in which you’ll brew the coffee.
  • Vacuum-sealed bags: These are the bags in which you’ll brew the coffee. You can purchase them online or make your own using a vacuum sealer and food-grade plastic bags.
  • Coffee beans: Choose high-quality beans for the best results.
  • Water: Use filtered water for the best-tasting coffee.

Step-by-step method:

  1. Grind your beans and measure out the amount you’ll need.
  2. Place the ground coffee in a vacuum-sealed bag and seal it using a vacuum sealer.
  3. Fill a pot or large container with water and attach the immersion circulator. Set the temperature to your desired brewing temperature (more on that below).
  4. Place the vacuum-sealed bag of coffee in the water bath and set a timer for the desired brewing time.
  5. When the timer goes off, remove the vacuum-sealed bag from the water bath and carefully open it.
  6. Pour the brewed coffee into a mug and enjoy!

What Temperature Should I Brew Sous Vide Coffee At?

The ideal brewing temperature depends on the type of beans you’re using and your personal preference. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Light roasts: These beans are best brewed at a lower temperature, around 185-195°F (85-90°C). This temperature will allow the flavours of the beans to shine through without being overpowered by bitterness.
  • Medium roasts: For medium roast beans, a brewing temperature of around 200°F (93°C) is ideal. This temperature will extract a balance of flavours from the beans.
coffee beans, roast coffee, specialty coffee, sous vide coffee
  • Dark roasts: Dark roast beans are often best brewed at a higher temperature, around 205-210°F (96-99°C). This temperature will bring out the rich, robust flavours of the beans.

How Long Should I Brew Sous Vide Coffee For?

The ideal brewing time for sous vide coffee will depend on the type of beans you’re using and your personal preference.

As a general rule, a brewing time of around 4-6 hours will yield a well-balanced cup of coffee.

However, you can experiment with different brewing times to find what works best for you.

Tips for Making the Best Sous Vide Coffee

Here are a few tips to help you make the best sous vide coffee:

  • Use high-quality beans: As with any type of coffee, the quality of the beans will have a big impact on the flavour of this type of brew. Choose high-quality beans and grind them fresh for the best results.
  • Experiment with different brewing temperatures and times: As mentioned, the ideal brewing temperature and time will depend on the type of beans you’re using and your personal preference. Don’t be afraid to experiment to find what works best for you.
  • Preheat the water bath: To ensure that the water bath is at the desired temperature when you add the vacuum-sealed bag of coffee, preheat the water bath before adding the coffee. This will help to ensure that the coffee is brewed evenly.
  • Don’t over-extract the coffee: Over-extraction can lead to bitter-tasting coffee. To avoid over-extraction, keep an eye on the brewing time and remove the vacuum-sealed bag as soon as the coffee is done brewing.

Frequently Asked Questions

frequently asked questions
Q. Can I use different types of beans for sous vide coffee?

A. Yes, you can use different varieties of coffee beans, such as Arabica or Robusta, and experiment with different flavour profiles.

Q. Can I use pre-ground coffee for sous vide?

A. It is best to use whole bean coffee for this brewing method and grind them just before the brewing process to ensure maximum freshness and flavour

Q. What are some common flavour profiles for sous vide coffee?

A. The finished brew can have a wide range of flavour profiles depending on the coffee beans used and the temperature and time the coffee is cooked.

Some common flavours include chocolate, nuts, and fruity notes.

Q. How do sous vide coffee compare to traditional brewing methods?

A. This method allows for more precise temperature control and can result in a more consistent and complex flavour profile compared to traditional methods such as drip brewing or French press.


Sous vide coffee is a unique and delicious way to brew coffee at home.

With precise temperature control and the ability to extract maximum flavour from the beans, this brewing method can take your daily brew to the next level.

Also using the right equipment and a little bit of experimentation, you can easily make sous vide coffee at home.

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